Corroded wepaons have a minus to attack and dmg
Corroded wepaons have a minus to attack and dmg

If the defender has see invisible it negates the extra damage and accuracy, but not the added speed. When invisible and not back lit, the attacker gains a boost to movement speed, 100% accuracy, and deals 2.5x damage for a single attack. Deals normal damage but has no healing effect against bloodless defenders. Will heal the attacker for 1d(damage inflicted) if the defender is cold-blooded or warm-blooded.

corroded wepaons have a minus to attack and dmg

In spite of the name, player experience is completely unaffected by this attack flavour. This only has a 3% chance of activating if the attack deals less than 6 damage, and a 33% chance if the attack normally does no damage (i.e., "touch"). Has a 50% chance of draining the target (temporary max HP reduction vs. Inherent pain brand (deals negative energy damage based on attacker HD) Inherent distortion brand (deals additional irresistible damage, causes the defender to blink, or banishes defender to the Abyss). This is similar to the holy wrath weapon brand, but without a random component. Moving away from the attacker will break the engulf.ĭoes an additional 75% damage against evil and unholy targets. Asphyxiation resistance negates both effects. Poison resistance greatly reduces the chance of getting slowed or paralyzed.Īttacks do a small amount of asphyxiation damage.Īttacks have a chance of engulfing the target, which continuously deals asphyxiation damage and mimics the effect of silence on targets that need to breathe. If not immune to poison, the defender may be slowed, or sometimes paralyzed, for 1d3 turns, in addition to being poisoned. Inflicts HD*11/3 to HD*13/2 poison damage, with a 1 in 3 chance to affect poison-resistant targets. Inflicts HD*2 to HD*4 poison damage, with a 1 in 3 chance to affect poison-resistant targets. Inherent reaching and splashes the defender with acid, possibly corroding it. Splashes the defender with acid, dealing additional damage and possibly causing corrosion. Has a 5% chance, and an additional 33% chance for attacks dealing 3 or more damage, to apply sticky flame.Īdds HD + 1d(HD/2) - 1 electricity damage.

corroded wepaons have a minus to attack and dmg

Consists solely of HD + 1d(HD + 1) + (HD / 2) fire damage. If successful, the attacker moves into the tile the defender occupied.ĭeals no physical damage. Has a chance of knocking the defender back one tile (chance depends on defender's size relative to the attacker). Inflicts constriction (pins victim in place, dealing damage over time). Inherent reaching (can melee attack from two tiles away). These modify a monster's melee attacks in many ways, and apply whether the monster is attacking unarmed or while wielding a weapon.

corroded wepaons have a minus to attack and dmg

What a monster's melee attacks are capable of is determined by the monster's attack flavour. Īlmost all monsters are capable of dealing physical damage to you by attacking in melee, but many of them also cause elemental damage or inflict a wide variety of detrimental status effects. Version 0.27: This article is up to date for the latest stable release of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.

Corroded wepaons have a minus to attack and dmg